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Input data

Coppafish requires raw, uint16 microscope images, metadata, and a configuration file. We currently only support raw data in ND2, JOBs, or numpy format. If your data is not already in one of these formats, we recommend configuring your data into numpy format (see below).


Each round is separated between directories. Label sequencing round directories 0, 1, etc. We recommend using dask, this is installed in your coppafish environment by default. The code to save data in the right format would look something like

import os
import dask.array

raw_path = "/path/to/raw/data"
dask_chunks = (1, n_total_channels, n_y, n_x, n_z)
for r in range(n_seq_rounds):
    save_path = os.path.join(raw_path, f"{r}")
    image_dask = dask.array.from_array(seq_image_tiles[r], chunks=dask_chunks)
    dask.array.to_npy_stack(save_path, image_dask)

# Anchor round
save_path = os.path.join(raw_path, "anchor")
image_dask = dask.array.from_array(anchor_image, chunks=dask_chunks)
dask.array.to_npy_stack(save_path, image_dask)

# Presequence round (optional)
save_path = os.path.join(raw_path, "presequence")
image_dask = dask.array.from_array(preseq_image, chunks=dask_chunks)
dask.array.to_npy_stack(save_path, image_dask)

where n_... variables represent counts (integers), n_total_channels can include other channels other than the sequencing channel (e.g. a DAPI channel and anchor channel). seq_image_tiles is a numpy array of shape (n_seq_rounds, n_tiles, n_total_channels, n_y, n_x, n_z), while anchor_image and preseq_image are numpy arrays of shape (n_tiles, n_total_channels, n_y, n_x, n_z). Note that n_y must be equal to n_x.


The metadata can be saved using python:

import json

metadata = {
    "n_tiles": n_tiles,
    "n_rounds": n_rounds,
    "n_channels": n_total_channels,
    "tile_sz": n_y, # or n_x
    "pixel_size_xy": 0.26,
    "pixel_size_z": 0.9,
    "tile_centre": [n_y / 2, n_x / 2, n_z / 2],
    "tilepos_yx": tile_origins_yx,
    "tilepos_yx_nd2": list(reversed(tile_origins_yx)),
    "channel_camera": [1] * n_total_channels,
    "channel_laser": [1] * n_total_channels,
    "xy_pos": tile_xy_pos,
    "nz": n_z,
file_path = os.path.join(raw_path, "metadata.json")
with open(file_path, "w") as f:
    json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4)

Code book

A code book is a .txt file that tells coppafish the expected gene codes for each gene. An example of a four gene code book is

gene_0 0123012
gene_1 1230123
gene_2 2301230
gene_3 3012301

the names (gene_0, gene_1, ...) can be changed. Do not assign any genes a constant gene code, e.g. 0000000. To learn how the codes can be generated, see advanced usage. For details on how the codes are generated, see reed_solomon_codes in coppafish/utils/ See the Wikipedia article for how gene codes are best selected.


There are configuration variables used throughout the coppafish pipeline. Most of these have reasonable default values, but some must be set by the user and you may wish to tweak other values for better performance. Save the config file as something like config.ini. The config file should contain, at the minimum:

input_dir = path/to/input/data
output_dir = path/to/output/directory
tile_dir = path/to/tile/output
round = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ; Go up to the number of sequencing rounds used
anchor = anchor
pre_seq = presequence
raw_extension = .npy
raw_metadata = path/to/metadata.json

is_3d = True
dye_names = dye_0, dye_1, dye_2, dye_3
use_rounds = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
use_z = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
use_tiles = 0, 1
anchor_round = 7
use_channels = 1, 2, 3, 4
anchor_channel = 1
dapi_channel = 0

expected_overlap = 0.15

where the dapi_channel is the index in the numpy arrays that the dapi channel is stored at. use_channels includes the anchor_channel in this case because the anchor channel can also be used as a sequencing channel in the sequencing rounds. dye_names does not have to be set explicitly if n_seq_channels == n_dyes. expected_overlap is the fraction of the tile in x (y) dimension that is overlapping between adjacent tiles, typically 0.1-0.15. More details about every config variable can be found at coppafish/setup/settings.default.ini in the source code. use_z contains all selected z planes, they should all be adjacent planes. It is recommended to use microscopic images where the middle z plane is roughly the brightest for best performance; this can be configured by changing the selected z planes in use_z. The z direction can be treated differently to the y and x directions because typically a z pixel corresponds to a larger, real distance.


Coppafish can be run with a config file. In the terminal

python -m coppafish /path/to/config.ini

Or using a python script

from coppafish import run_pipeline
